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Life Insurance
Security Insurance Group helps individuals and families of Fort Collins find just the right life insurance policy to fit their needs. We are staffed by highly trained independent insurance agents who know the policies and will take the effort to get to know you and your needs. Many people think they can’t afford life insurance but we think it’s something you can’t afford to not do without. As many as 40% of Americans do not have life insurance. Consider that along with the statistic that 25 million million Americans live paycheck to paycheck and you can see that many people could not financially withstand a catastrophe of losing a breadwinner. Life insurance can give you the peace of mind to enjoy life without fearing for the future of your loved ones.
Too many people go without life insurance and this can leave their loved ones in a bad situation the event the worst should happen. If you are the main breadwinner of your family, you need to protect your loved ones from financial devastation in the event of your death. A life insurance pay out can be used to cover debts, funeral expenses and gives your family a life raft to adjust to the change in income. The average debt in America is 15,950 and the average cost of a funeral in Colorado is $7,000. Not just outright expenses can be covered by a life insurance payout. Stay at home parents need life insurance coverage too. If you are a stay at home parent you know all the valuable, priceless services you provide for your family. If all your duties were paid, they would equal over $120,000. Should something happen to you someone would have to be paid to do some of those duties and so you too should be covered by life insurance.