Many young adults don’t get life insurance when they should. If this applies to you, we would like to tell you some reasons you should get life insurance. maybe you think you think you don’t need life insurance because you are young and healthy, or because your spouse works and would be able to pay the bills if anything happened to you. But these reasons don’t cover all the reasons in favor of getting insurance.
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Lost Income
- If anything should happen to you, or your partner, the remaining person will have to keep paying the mortgage, the car payments, and credit card bills.
- Debts incurred by your spouse prior to the marriage do not transfer to you, but any debts incurred together will shift to be solely your responsibility.
Funeral Costs
- The cost of a traditional funeral complete with a gravesite and headstone costs upward of $8,00-$10,000 nowadays.
- Sure, you can skimp or choose the cheapest things. But if you want to have choices not based purely on cost, you’ll want to have a life insurance policy to help cover costs.
- A life insurance policy can provide you with the money to make the choices you want based on the wishes of the recently deceased, which is as it should be.
- If you have them, you know how expensive everything is. From clothes to doctor’s co-pays to ballet lessons. The costs keep growing as your child does.
- If you or your spouse should die when the children are still young, the surviving spouse will have to pay for all these things, and more, on a single income and that is going to be hard.
- Secure a decent standard of living for your spouse and children by having life insurance, just in case.
Call Security Insurance Group to talk about a life insurance policy for yourself and your spouse. We serve the Fort Collins area, and all of Northern Colorado from our base in Greeley. Call today.