Security Insurance Group serves Northern Colorado, providing homeowners and auto insurance, farm and ranch insurance, and even business insurance. We are an agency staffed by independent insurance agents who work for you. We are highly trained and well-versed in policies from many major insurance carriers and this works for you, the customer, because we can find the company and the policy that perfectly matches your unique needs.
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Besides finding the perfect policy for you, we also offer advice about policies and personal habits that will help you to save money. This week, we are going to look at driving tips that can keep you safe as we move towards winter weather. The calendar may say that it is still autumn, but with an average first snowfall on October 18th, Northern Colorado can expect wintery weather long before the official start of winter on December 21st.
Highway Driving
The stretch of I-25 from Longmont to Wellington claims too many lives every year. It is important to wear your seatbelt, watch your speed, and slow down in inclement weather. Every few weeks we read about the latest horrific crash on I-25. Don’t become a statistic: slow down and take all necessary precautions.
On The Plains
Wind and snow can quickly combine to create very dangerous driving conditions, even white-out conditions. If you find yourself in a white-out, slow down, make sure your headlights are on, but don’t use your brights, and stay alert. If you feel you need to get off the highway, be sure to turn off into a parking area, do not just pull over, since you could get rear-ended by the car behind you who may think you are still driving.
Check in for our next blog to learn more fall and winter driving safety tips. Call Security Insurance Group today for information on auto insurance policies.